Leon C Pereira PhD : Clinical Psychologist : Kaneohe, HI

About Me

I was a licensed Clinical Psychologist, in private practice, in Kaneohe, Hawaii. I helped children (age 4 & up), teens, and adults, providing individual, family, and couples counseling. My specialty was treating emotional problems (stress, depression, anxiety, anger, etc), correcting behavior problems (including ADHD), improving parenting, and counseling couples.

Utilizing an individualized, collaborative, problem-solving approach, I provided Cognitive-Behavior Therapy tailored to my client's needs. Together, we resolved issues from the past; change present thoughts, feelings, and behaviors; and, worked toward my client's goals.

I graduated from the University of Hawaii, at Manoa, with a dual Doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology and Behavioral Psychology. I also have a Master"s Degree in Social Psychology from the University of Bombay, India. I had been in private practice from February 1998 and had additional experience as a Therapist or Psychologist since 1987.

I have taught, conducted research, and published in the field of Clinical Psychology. My Master"s thesis investigated the relationship between Self-Concept and Social Behavior; my Doctoral dissertation was a pioneering study of the relationship between Personality Subtypes and Depression. As an Adjunct Professor at Hawaii Pacific Unversity, I have taught online and on-campus undergraduate psychology courses.

I am now devoting my time to writing Self-Help ebooks.

Anger Management

About My Book

Anger is an unpleasant emotion that many of us feel and often express aggressively. How often a person feels angry, express it intensely, and stay angry varies. Anyone who gets angry frequently, intensely, or for a significant duration can benefit from Anger Management.

This guide provides the information and insight that you need to understand why you get angry and the effects that anger has on you and others. It provides advice for changing your mindset and strategies to employ to minimize the chances of getting angry and for handling problem situations without aggression.

This is a concise manual for anger management and problem-solving. In it, I present the information, insights, and recommendations with which I have guided clients, in my private practice, and which they have effectively employed. It does not simply tell you how to reduce or eliminate your anger, it also teaches you how to more appropriately handle problem-situations. It is a practical guide and does not contain pages and pages of definitions, research, anecdotes, etc. I get straight to the point of helping you.

First, I briefly describe what anger is, explain what happens when you get angry, and the effects that anger has on you and others. I then explain how to make long-lasting changes-how to minimize the chances of getting angry and how to address anger-triggering situations. I teach you a mindset, specific strategies to employ, and actions to take when you get irritated by, or upset about, something.

I also provide tips for calming yourself, learning to be assertive, and for parenting more effectively.


Courses That I Have Taught

Abnormal Psychology
A study of the etiology, development, manifestations, and treatment of psychological disorders. Psychodynamic, behavioral, humanistic, systems, and cross-cultural theoretical perspectives are used to understand stress and anxiety-based disorders, psychoses, social and personality disorders, and organic and developmental disorders. Normality/ abnormality are treated as concepts, as are legal and ethical issues related to deviant behavior.

Personality Theory
A study of the nature and development of human personality from different theoretical perspectives. Foci include: the conceptualization and meaning of "personality""; modes of assessing personality characteristics; and the relationship of personality to culture and society. Cases, contemporary research, and topics of current interest in personality are featured.

Social Psychology
An exploration of major theoretical paradigms as they are used to understand topics in social psychology, including social perception, attribution of causality, the self, emotions, attraction, prejudice and discrimination, attitude change, altruism, aggression, social influence, exchange and strategy, and physical well-being.

Learning and Cognition
A survey of the psychology processes in learning and cognition. This includes coverage of perception, attention, associative conditioning and other forms of learning, memory, language, creativity, reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making. Students perform experiments to understand the methods of inferring these processes.

Tests and Measurement in Psychology
A course that covers the fundamentals of measurement theory and practice upon which all psychological testing rests. Major topics include: types of measurement, correlation, reliability, validity, test development and norms. Major individual and group tests of intelligence, personality, aptitude, and interests are examined and evaluated in terms of these concepts.

Statistics in Psychology
Provides skills necessary for data analysis in preparation for research methods course, and prepares students to analyze and interpret social science research findings. Students study descriptive and inferential statistics and parametric and nonparametric methods. Includes selection of proper statistical measures and techniques, and use of popular computerized statistical packages.

Research Methods
Familiarizes students with principal research approaches, including descriptive, correlational, and experimental techniques and the strengths and limitations of each methodology. Includes hands-on experience in the formulation of proper research design, data collection and analysis, and professional communication of results and conclusions.